Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Lately we have learned the socialization process by which we become fully human. Also about nature and nurture. Nature is what is unchangeable like our genes and biology. Nurture is other people awareness and social environment. We learned about the example of Genie who was never nurtured as a child and therefore when she was older had the mind of an infant couldn't talk, eat, or walk. Some people think that eating is something were born how to do but really it is something we learn from watching others around us eat. agents of socialization is something that effects you as an individual thus society as a whole. I am thankful for my parents to have nurtured me the way they did. We also learned how the media plays on children’s emotions to get them to buy their product. Also on how the media changes everything well your watching their show to keep your attention. While trying to count the number of technical events I lost count within 5 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. I thought the whole situation Genie was in was very interesting because it demonstrated the importance of nurture in the development of children, and how big of a role it plays in how we will function later in life.
