Thursday, March 6, 2014

Through out sociology the past two weeks we have learned a lot about culture and with everything we have learned we have all been applying it to the movie we have been watching "God Grew Tired of Us" we have watched as these refuges from Sudan experienced a huge culture shock by moving to the America when these refuges have never even learned how to turn on a light. The refuges in the movie had no idea what material culture was or our norms. They soon learned that our norms were completely different then theirs. Also the refuges went through cultural relativity when in America because they thought it was right in America to talk to strangers when in fact it is wrong. Ethnocentrism is judging a culture solely by the values of ones own culture. As I was watching the movie I was thinking of what I would have done from what I have experienced but I realized I couldn't do that because our cultures are completely different and I had to change my view point on the situation. We also learned about subcultures and how our high school was its own subculture with how we value the future, with our unique symbols such as the patriot, unique words when we call the library the ILC, our folkways which is something not so serious to do, mores which is something serious to do that people will call you out on, and our material culture how we dress. I realized that even though our neighboring high school is so close we have completely different subcultures.

1 comment:

  1. I though the movie about the lost boys was super interesting and I thought it was very entertaining to watch the boys learn the differences between our cultures.
